Here's a quick post to show a few progressive shots of this wood burned portrait.
Note the lighting is slightly different between photos 3, 4, and 5. I took the final shot under better lighting, so the overall shade of the lines look lighter. 3 and 4 were taken under partial shade, hence the darker look.
If I were to re-do this, I'd probably omit the collar. Didn't find a shade that I felt worked well for this portrait. Also didn't feel it was necessary to have as part of the portrait.
I took less creative liberties with the first few portraits I did, haha. But now I'm starting to find ways to improve on the portraits by taking a bit more artistic license.
This portrait also took the least amount of time to date! Getting the process down! 😃
I have a few more in queue. Hopefully Michaels has some more sales soon...wood isn't cheap...